Advanced Open Water Training
Once you've mastered the skills as an Open Water Diver, you may want to go a bit deeper, do some boat diving and (perhaps) explore a shipwreck or two!
This will require an Advanced Open Water training certification.
In this course, you will select 4 diving specialties to reach your Advanced Open Water Diver course.
Some examples are:
The possibilities are endless once you become an Advanced Open Water Diver!
You think of where you want to explore and we'll set you up for success - it's what we do!
Once you become Advanced Open Water diver certified, there are many additional courses you can take to further your underwater exploration! Contact us to find out where you can go next!
This is run all year and it fills FAST,
We've gone over and above on this course. It's a morning packed with knowledge to help you protect your investment and keep you safe!
This course is interactive and informative. If you would like the informaition, but don't want/need the certification - we're good with that! You are welcome to come :) Everyone could use this information!
You will walk away with knowledge specific to the manufacturer of YOUR equipment - a valuable tool to protect your equipment and get the most out of your investment.
You will gain:
We have BINS full of destroyed first and second stages. It's a shame because all of this could have been prevented with education. You can't afford to miss this!
The cost of this class is $125.
Upon completion, you'll receive a $35 credit towards your next service.
All information is accurate and strait from your manufacturer's mouth - guaranteed!
Get started on your academic section Click here to contact us.
This must be completed BEFORE the 20th. Or call us at 603-432-3483
CPR - Emergency O2 - First Aid - AED
Wether you are a diver or not, this is a valuable course to take.
Anyone is welcome to attend and will be fully certified to administer help when someone needs it.
The CPROX course is a straight forward, on nonsense appraoch to teaching you as the first responder to an emergency how to handle the situation.
The course is CPR and Emergency Oxygen administration combined into one program. You will learn how to use what is at your disposal to treat and stabilize victims until medically trained professionals arrive.
We will cover:
- Scene assessment
- O2 administration
- First Aid
- Bloodborn Pathogens
We choose to teach the SDI/TDI course specifically because of the in depth, comprhensive and clear understanding of materials.
This is affiliated with First Response Training International. You will walk away confident of your abilities after this course.
The training will be held at our store this February (date will be posted soon)
Photos courtesy of Ian Pitt – thank you Ian